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Who at Syntropy is mostly involved with community growth/hacking atm?

I know there's a recent new hire, but I'm guessing it's an interplay between a few?

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Sure, I’ll talk with Knyck on Monday and we might answer this together

Sander- Автор вопроса

Great. T/y Imho could be a bit of an engagement booster if the community knows what's being done in that area.

Great. T/y Imho could be a bit of an engagement bo...

I agree, there’s plenty of things being done in that area. To name a few: 1. We are constantly looking for podcasts for Dom and Jonas to appear on. The first one was recorded with Dom earlier this week and should be live within 30-50 days. Dom said he really enjoyed a high level conversation and is looking forward to hear the recording. Want to tap into non-crypto audiences as well. 2. We are working on organizing more high level AMAs with our core team members and advisors. The last one was especially successful so we want more AMAs lead by our new CMO Kevin. 3. Knyck is working on us having much more video content on Twitter. 4. We are much more strategically alligned on having constant Twitter messaging + always reacting to the feedback and trying to improve. 5. I am working on strategic partnerships with key opinion leaders from LATAM / Middle East, etc. Looking for ways to tap into Asian audiences too. 6. We are constantly growing the Community Marketing initiative and are in a very close relationship with Lead Ambassadors. Trying to support them as much as we can + always looking forward to new ideas. 7. I am pushing for several PR partners which will help in the future with spreading the announcements to serious media outlets. Etc, etc, etc. There’s plenty of things that are going on behind the seces but most importantly we must deliver on what we promised to our community and investors. This is the top goal and those activies me and Knyck run will put an extra push for upcoming news to be translated to as many people as possible.

Sander- Автор вопроса

Thank you for this. It sounds like you're on the right track. Especially the content creation through interviews/podcasts/AMAs. Strategic partnerships with opinion leaders/influencers / whatever term we want to use/ will help getting the word out, same with the community marketing initiative / ambassador program. I get that these things take time, and you're working on different levels. Hope something like the CS:GO tournament gets a repeat. What I'm missing in your summery is strategic partnerships with other projects operating in the web3/Dweb space. Don't want to sound like a broken record wen partnerships, but I'm still waiting. Definitely not asking for 2017 type partnership announcements, but there's truth to strength in numbers. It sometimes feels like Syntropy is trying to fight the good fight by itself. All the while there's a whole space of innovators co-operating and finding some synergy. Just an example, but orchid recently held a forum/conference together with handshake and sponsored by Akash, on the future of digital privacy. They had Glenn Greenwald as a speaker. Their previous iteration had Edward Snowden. These projects are also well represented on non-crypto conference. Probably did jackshit to their coin price, but that's obviously not the point. It's about outreach and potentially reaching a new audience. So I guess two points; a.) synergy with this space through partnerships, and b.) a presence on conferences, whether as a sponsor or active speaker. Can't imagine that someone like W. Norton wouldn't be used to that kind of networking.

Sander- Автор вопроса

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