bullish on atom? What is it doing that other level 0s arent? Such as polkadot..
ATOM is not layer 0. I consider IBC a layer0. IBC is live whereas it's not even close to being live on Polkadot https://mapofzones.com/?period=24&testnet=false&tableOrderBy=totalIbcTxs&tableOrderSort=desc
Thank you. This is a good start. What are your favorite projects on ATOM?
The difference between atom and polkadot is that atom has actually accomplished IBC. Why is the token price so low? No clue. Probably for the same reason there's a literal Ponzi scheme meme coin in the top 10 mcap
I grabbed on DOT and KSM on the recent dip just to check out Polkadot finally after working on setting up a node using Substrate. I can say that 1.) polkadot.js wallet interface is terrible compared to Keplr, not nearly as smooth. 2.) setting up a node using tendermint vs substrate it night and day- tendermint is just such a smooth process to setup. substrate a bit more nightmare-ish. No clue why DOT is doing so well other than marketing and name recognition from the founder.
Thanks for the first hand review. And yeah like I said... Why is there a literal Ponzi scheme meme coin in top 10 mcap? Token price doesn't always make sense when there is so much Speculation driving everything
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