209 похожих чатов

Anyone have a clever way to get from ETH to

BSC that isn't going through binance?

8 ответов

6 просмотров

Trade for BNB, Swap for bep20 ORN on the Terminal.

Cake is my favourite in between coin

try this https://bridge.evodefi.com/

A-H2o Автор вопроса
Trade for BNB, Swap for bep20 ORN on the Terminal.

I can trade ETH ORN to Bnb and get the BNB on bsc?🤯

A-H2o Автор вопроса
try this https://bridge.evodefi.com/

First time I'm seeing this bridge, thanks

A-H2o Автор вопроса
Gilang (I will never DM you)
No, you can't.

If moving to bsc can only be done through CEX before the 5% withdraw fee...🤔

Justa guess: I think Rubic can do that

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