I receive testnet tokens to use on the YuzuSwap testnet?
I'm a bit confused, because the form asked for my Oasis address, but now I'm setting up Metamask with a different address.
metamask address is for eth address. oasis address is for Rose.
But no one knows my ETH address. Is there something I can read? I think I've missed something.
If you dont want to believe me thats fine wait for an admin or something. But you need metamask to receive the Rose testnet coins so you can exchange them for yuzu coins tomorrow. you need an oasis wallet with rose in it to get the airdrop. you need both.
You are to input your ETH address in the airdrop form
Thanks for your answers. It's not that I don't believe you, it's that I don't understand. Ha ha. Anyway, thanks for trying to help.
Thank you. Sorry. I see that it was included in the form. All is well ^^
The Metamask RPC can be found below https://docs.oasis.dev/general/developer-resources/emerald-paratime
Metamask and oasis wallet are completely different things.
I’m asking about meta mask
I think it does work and the emerald testnet is just having issues rn. try again later.
Yes it can be so. I have been trying nearly 1 hour. I think we have time till 7 dec ?
Yes, there are still time
lol yes we have plenty of time. That is 7 days away.
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