209 похожих чатов

I would like to give a touch of attention. What

you have to be clear about are several things. First of all, before putting your money in anything in this life, do DYOR, do not go like crazy after an airdrop without reading something about the project, for example, the 3 days of withdrawal from layer 1 to layer 2 are knew for a long time, if you had tried the testnet, you would know it, but you have not tried it, god knows why.

Second, the admins are not omnipotent, they are people from the community who are not devs and who do not have all the knowledge of the blockchain, and above all they are Nervos admins, not Yokai, you cannot ask them to know how each app works . Would you ask an admin in ethereum to know all the ethereum apps? no right? In fact, most do not even charge for it, they do it altruistically for the community, you should be more considerate.

Third, your funds are safe, Yokai is backed by Nervos and the InNervation fund, so rest assured and let the Yokai team and the Nervos team work as normal to fix the problems.


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