developer of ICON and BTP? 🤔
He's not a core dev but is on the ICON team. He loves BTC and wants to focus his career on it, it's a personal decision that I of course respect. I'll miss working with him, he's a great guy and brought some excellent perspective to the team, but now that his contract is up he wants to move on to focusing solely on BTC based on our conversations
Thanks for this deep information! 🙏 But the time is strange ... so short before launching BTP ... as called game changer for crypto! Hmm ... at this stage he decides to change to Bitcoin. Very strange. 🧐
If you work for tesla and your contract is up before a new car model is out and you decide to work for another company would that be "weird"?
It's not a good comparison I think. If BTP is that big as it is announced, why would you leave this project. Doesn't makes sense to me. 😉 But okay, it's just my opinion. Hopefully it has no bad influence on the project. 😉🙏
Might be a good foot in the door if you want to see BTP support on btc chain.
It's not. Really. I'll explain soon! ICON has never been in better shape, really I'm not leaving because of internal issues 👍
Best of luck, I hope we still see you around these parts from time to time
Thanks NYM for this statement! 🙏🌐
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