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Really nice project this eospower network .https://twitter.com/eospowernetwork/status/1460264232986058762?t=LFZAmQ5v8X9otJOXKZCQgA&s=19netwok

28 ответов

21 просмотр

Yeah, really like this. It sounds simple and a little neat until you step back and think of all the things in your life that are pull transactions outside of blockchain.

Joe Louis
Yeah, really like this. It sounds simple and a lit...

EOS Power Network could singlehandedly define the future use-case and purpose for EOS. The future narrative that can see us all win is to unify EOSIO. No longer should the narrative be EOS vs TELOS vs WAX vs SOL vs ADA etc... Instead EOSIO unites and recognizes a specialty that each chain brings to the table. All chains become tied back to the EOS mainnet as the financial settlement layer (utilizing pull transactions, much deeper liquidity, and global access) and the new narrative is a unified EOSIO vs SOL vs ADA etc... That's how we win.

Chris Barnes
EOS Power Network could singlehandedly define the ...

been waiting for ages for that to be the plan... hope the other eosio chains join in!

If we can create an arrangement where every chain can benefit, it becomes very easy to find alignment. One angle is certainly around EOSIO core dev, but there are others that can provide mutual benefit for all.

Troy Bryan
Tell us more about the EOS Power Network

Not to deflect your question or shill my video, but this does explain it from a high level fairly well: https://youtu.be/6Q9Xepg-phU

Chris Barnes
If we can create an arrangement where every chain ...

for sure core dev, so important now. but also we have competing projects which can get in the way, rather than collaborating, eg tstarter/eostarter, and soon eos will compete with telos evm. the competing projects on the chains influences the tribal mindset. that part is a bit harder to think through, needs deeper cooperation

Chris Barnes
Not to deflect your question or shill my video, bu...

Thanks Chris I will watch and 🐥 tweet that out

for sure core dev, so important now. but also we h...

yes you're absolutely right. It's a complicated thing, but there is a way for maximum mutual benefit to be achieved...we just need to talk like a familly would and find common ground.

Chris Barnes
yes you're absolutely right. It's a complicated th...

Talk like families talked in the 80s when we weren’t divided by vaccine mandates. 😂

Troy Bryan
Talk like families talked in the 80s when we weren...

lol ya good point. Society is in such a mess...we've forgotten the basics.

Chris Barnes
EOS Power Network could singlehandedly define the ...

The EOS Family can greatly help Solana, Cardano, and all web3 communities. This is a better narrative than competing with other web3 communities. Win and help win 🙂

for sure core dev, so important now. but also we h...

Yes we need to thoughtfully engineer solutions to more thoroughly align incentives and foster deeper cooperation. For example, Zack recently shared an interesting idea about shared liquidity pools with EOSIO chains that could help further align incentives between EOSIO communities.

If only we had ibc.

we can https://pomelo.io/grants/eosioibc

Chris Barnes
EOS Power Network could singlehandedly define the ...

It certainly is an amazing feature that'll add a lot of capabilities, but adding this one feature isn't a silver bullet that'll bring everything together. There's a lot of other things we need too in order to make that a reality. I certainly see the possibilities for that same vision though.

wait what how. Other eosio chains will just redeploy pull transactions. + they exist on other (eth based) chains

Luka Perrrcic
wait what how. Other eosio chains will just redepl...

Have you looked at the whitepaper for EOS Power Network yet?

Luka Perrrcic
no, just watched pomelo video and donated

you should have a look when you've time. Its not as straight forward as it sounds https://eospower.network/files/EPN-Whitepaper.pdf

Luka Perrrcic
wait what how. Other eosio chains will just redepl...

How do ETH based chains achieve this function?

Chris Barnes
How do ETH based chains achieve this function?

you deposit a budget into a contract that gives different parties you authorize ability to withdraw monthly (max x ammount), and they just come and claim?

Luka Perrrcic
you deposit a budget into a contract that gives di...

ya ok. Thats a custodial, escrow account, and ya it does the job, but its not like how we do ongoing payments in the real world. EPN is a non-custodial method, and requires no escrow.

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