209 похожих чатов

Is that what you mean? the breakdown of the ORN

token, revenue streams etc

6 ответов

11 просмотров

It was written in about 100 words in telegram. Just the bullet points. I'm trying to shill the info elsewhere.

Yeahx1000- Автор вопроса
It was written in about 100 words in telegram. Jus...

have you scrolled through the pinned messages?

It was written in about 100 words in telegram. Jus...

Take a look at this http://blog.orionprotocol.io/nextsteps

Take a look at this http://blog.orionprotocol.io/...

Was it ever explained what those bars mean?

have you scrolled through the pinned messages?

Not really what I'm looking for but thanks for the effort guys

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