209 похожих чатов

It'S been a month since the game was released, and

I remember you saying that you were hiring cs during that time. And you said that most of the problems are users' mistakes.

But recently, my rewards didn't come, so I directly inquired about the cs and felt that there was no improvement in the cs problem.

Did you hire employees? Is the system improving? Why does it still take days or days to get a response?

I heard you value user experience, am I wrong?

2 ответов

15 просмотров

Initial staking issues were largely due to wallet miss binding. / user importing additional wallets. or not connecting to game ID vis the Item Manger. Current issues are more related to PLA processing. I can confirm more CS staff have been hired. CS forms have been updated and replaced (new marketplace and Item Manger ones are live) I have sequestered a dev to handle both CS resolution, investigation of issues and fix application. CS backlog has been reduced by about 20% However, some continue to flood CS with repeat demands, which takes time away from moving through the backlog. Item manger has received back end updates daily for the past week. Which has been reducing new issues.

Bell-JH Автор вопроса
Ryan "Ziazo" Chown
Initial staking issues were largely due to wallet ...

I know you are thinking of this as a top priority. And you know that the improvements are still not satisfactory for most users. Please think again that there is no player who likes to watch the convenience of the game rather than the user's convenience.

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