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Basically is the main difference between erc20 FET and Native

$FET is that its easier to stake Native $FET ??? 🤔

2 ответов

5 просмотров

The main difference is that Native FET is built on our own sovereign chain, where we can issue our own governance and not rely on a token that's not our own to make decisions. There are other upsides though, as Cros-nest mentioned, such as the fees being VERY cheap (once again because we have control over what we want fees to be), we also have near instant transaction times, scalability is much easier, but also with the parameters set we were able to have better staking reward rates. All in all, creating a mainnet with the Cosmos SDK gave us freedom to really create the best FET that we could and allow us to show what FET is capable of, in the future this will be seen a lot more once many dApps are available, but for now, even in the things I mentioned it can be seen.

Celestino- Автор вопроса
Atari_buzzk1LL - I won't PM/DM you first
The main difference is that Native FET is built on...

Thank you for the explanation. I had no idea, no I see that native is the way to go. I've not been able to join an exchange that trades native $FET. I'm hoping to eventually find a cosmos defi exchange where it will finally be possible for me to own Native $FET.

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