209 похожих чатов

Hi, can i bind my game account to a new

portis wallet?

I lost track/backup of my old portis wallet during the last update and it is blocked..

5 ответов

12 просмотров

sumbit a request to rebind your wallet https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=jsThxqAXa0ax4WqAnyZ0PFxSjVq0G4NMjdXFqaiaxHZURFFEN0QzNllaVTJDN1U2NUlQTU1TRVFKOSQlQCN0PWcu

PlayDapp will make an announcement on Dragon Blood in the future when it becomes timely

It will take ages before they reply, 3 days and no answer for me

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