209 похожих чатов


2 ответов

16 просмотров

Looks like the warnings worked! Imagine the scammer gets his mirror back for reaching quorum though but the warners don't for not reaching quorum; perhaps another rule needs to be created that if someone is found to be scamming their mirror is seized and distributed;maybe there should be a mechanism on each poll to report a scam, and if enough people warn, that poll is lost and mirror taken Or maybe there could be a voting option "report scam" so people think about the possibility of a scam happening and if there is general consensus is that it is a scam, the scammer loses their deposited mir that way

Looks like the warnings worked! Imagine the scamm...

Or there could be a 'No with veto' option, which would work both against scams and against frivolous proposals

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