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How secure the network of Luna and is it

design to resist quantum computing in the future?

Currently there are alot of attack on solana network.

6 ответов

3 просмотра

The attacks on Solana have nothing to do with quantum computing. These are mainly DDOS attacks afaik.

There are post quantum crypto algorithms like WOTS+ and XMSS. Shouldn’t be a problem to implement these into blockchain protocols.

Panday-A Автор вопроса
Panday A
Is that in terra eco system?

Ask Terraform Labs when they will integrate it. Till now there are only two post-quantum ledgers: QRL and Mochimo. Cardano is researching WOTS+ for years, i bet Hoskinson already has a plan for it.

Panday-A Автор вопроса
Panday A
Ads is already quantum resistance

No, ADA isn’t quantum proof, yet. https://dailyhodl.com/2021/12/09/cardano-begins-work-on-becoming-resistant-to-quantum-attacks-according-to-creator-charles-hoskinson/

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