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Anyone know whats causing the sky high transaction fees on


8 ответов

15 просмотров

Because it's build on ether network... Ether is not a good transaction network right now

Albert- Автор вопроса
Kiki Fashion
Because it's build on ether network... Ether is no...

Oh so Avalanche is using the Ethereum network? Now it makes sense.

Oh so Avalanche is using the Ethereum network? Now...

C-Chain is an instance of Geth (Core ETH) on Avalanche consensus 🙂

Albert- Автор вопроса
Daniel Killeen - Vibes
C-Chain is an instance of Geth (Core ETH) on Avala...

Fees on Avalanche are high because fees on Ethereum are high too? Is that right?

Fees on Avalanche are high because fees on Ethereu...

Any instance of an EVM will have fees. Fees also can be used as a preventative to prevent spaming of a network.

Albert- Автор вопроса
Oh so Avalanche is using the Ethereum network? Now...

LoL everything revolving around ether network might die early 202w

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