210 похожих чатов

@Kaks25 when I download the latest treasure chest wallet 5.4

, When installing will this automatically over ride my current version 5.2 everything will be fine? or do I need to do fresh install for this new version? many thanks

4 ответов

14 просмотров

Correct, all funds will be on 5.4.0 directly

#SpeakTruth#- Автор вопроса
Correct, all funds will be on 5.4.0 directly

cheers bro just had to make sure, thanks for the quick reponse

#SpeakTruth#- Автор вопроса
cheers bro just had to make sure, thanks for the q...

the version 5.4 replacing version 5.2 will this enable the seed phrase or will have to install fresh version to backup sees phrase?

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