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DYCO investors showing up to finally comment in the chat?

12 ответов

17 просмотров


Yeahx1000- Автор вопроса

funny how that works lol

Yeah it’s actually shocking

I am always here

The Eagle Flies Alone
I am always here

yea started to fud a while agp

The Eagle Flies Alone
I am always here

Yes and you a holder. If you smart as I think you will vote for the burn. You will make more that way

Great supporters, they really deserve a bonus 🤣

Yeahx1000- Автор вопроса
Great supporters, they really deserve a bonus 🤣

right haha, if only every project had such wonderful supporters like them 🙄

Lee .
Yes and you a holder. If you smart as I think ...

As I mentioned before they should detay the distribution till the mainnet staking goes live. That would be fair for both parties.

The Eagle Flies Alone
As I mentioned before they should detay the distri...

No, bonus’s are based on performance… again dyco investors performance has been lackluster at best

The Eagle Flies Alone
As I mentioned before they should detay the distri...

If they had brains they would go for option C. Offer to burn 10% as a compromise

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