209 похожих чатов

Which means roughly 21.77% any for 3.5 months?

6 ответов

9 просмотров

21.79% / 12 * 3.5 = ~6.36%

So 5% in 3 months

Umar-Iftikhar Автор вопроса
Adil Awan
So 5% in 3 months

Actually I want to ask it is not for 3 months but 3.5 months

Adil Awan
So 5% in 3 months

More, it’s compouding. It’ll be more around 8%

Marvin 10xdev
21.79% / 12 * 3.5 = ~6.36%

taking compounding math into consideration, it will be ~5.8% after 3.5 months

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