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I have a question. Do TF plan in the near

future to start to present some monthly reports about Telos Foundation expenses for salaries, development, marketing, etc? I think that is something that DAO should do. Telos Foundation under the Tlos tokenomics section presented wallets in a very transparent way, but I think it would be nice to have it in a form of a report with the structure of expenses, planned expenses, and similar.

6 ответов

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This is a big part of what I would like to add to the TF if elected...much more transparency. It seems to me the TF is in need of fresh energy and enthusiasm to take on some of these greatly needed responsibilities. To be clear however, those currently on the TF are doing an incredible job with the limited resources they have. These coming elections will help greatly to fill out the team, and I would like to be one of the members whose focus is on Transparency. So that will be to provide updates on financial reporting, sharing meeting notes and ideally video recordings where appropriate of TF meetings, and organizing all of this information in one easy to find location for the community to review and stay informed.

The TF has provided a monthly report in the past. I don't recall seeing one recently but I may have just missed it. It's been a very busy time with a lot of demands on the team but I would definitely hope to see them provide regular reports under the new board.

Wen Moon R 🌙
Good! Can't go wrong with transparency.

Please check it out here in this link and scroll down a bit https://www.telos.net/news/telos-foundation-october-report

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