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Is there a need to claim tomorrow? Will our unclaimed rewards halve? The tweet somewhat implies that

Sam-Kazemian ¤⛓️¤ Автор вопроса
Justin Bram
Is there a need to claim tomorrow? Will our unclai...

I would recommend claiming because I believe some of the older contracts like FRAX-FXS pair and IQ-FRAX pair multiply the current reward rate and the last time a user claimed rewards. So when the reward rate halves, it will give you only half the rate for your staking time rather than halve it right at the 20th. For this reason, I just recommend to claim all rewards so we don’t get blamed for something hard to foresee in the future 🤷🏻‍♂️

Does this have to do anything with StakeDao pool do we need to do anything there

Sam-Kazemian ¤⛓️¤ Автор вопроса
Does this have to do anything with StakeDao pool d...

You don’t need to do anything. No migration or movement is needed. Just see above, I’d say simply claim your rewards one last time if you want to be certain you’re getting the highest reward rate before halvening tomorrow.

Sam Kazemian ¤⛓️¤
You don’t need to do anything. No migration or mov...

So pretty much people who locked there stables for 3 years thinking that they will get good rewards pretty much will get half of it now?

Sam Kazemian ¤⛓️¤
I would recommend claiming because I believe some ...

What time tommorow to claim?or how much time from now before it will halve?

Sam-Kazemian ¤⛓️¤ Автор вопроса
So pretty much people who locked there stables for...

The reward emissions rate and gauge structure has been written out in docs and also discussed in the community for many months. It’s not like this is new at all.

Sam-Kazemian ¤⛓️¤ Автор вопроса
Sam-Kazemian ¤⛓️¤ Автор вопроса
Dammm alright 👍

I’m personally locked in multiple pairs for 3 years. It will be interesting to see how increased scarcity affects either FXS price or TVL.

Same. May our future be blessed and fruitful , thank you for all you have done sir. The opportunities you have given us are truly life changing. Because of Frax, ive been able to leave my job and focus full time on crypto. Ive been redpilled. FraxiMaxi for life.

I am also locked 3 years but if the aprs drop too much does the team have plan to unlock people?

Sam Kazemian ¤⛓️¤
I would recommend claiming because I believe some ...

Is there a high chance that this will happen for those pools? Due to such a short notice I won’t be able to claim the rewards.

I am also locked 3 years but if the aprs drop too ...

It will be unfair because its was clear from begining.i am personally locker for 3 years as well

Kno Nkoss
It will be unfair because its was clear from begin...

it will be unfair if you were locked long time but i joined 3 weeks ago

I am also locked 3 years but if the aprs drop too ...

No. The pools only unlock of support for a pool is dropped, or the community approves an unlock by vote. One of my pools, agEUR, dropped significantly. From 200% to 18% APR due to gauge votes. These are the risks we accept when playing in these pools. Returns are variable, not set in stone.

So pretty much people who locked there stables for...

its been in the docs since day 1 of the project, we cant force people to read it

Is this also the case for the usdc/frax v3 pool?

The gauge distributor will just send a lower amount to the pools , which is already different every week due to the gauge voting. So I don’t think so?

Sam-Kazemian ¤⛓️¤ Автор вопроса
Sam Kazemian ¤⛓️¤
I would recommend claiming because I believe some ...

Jony it's just because of this ^ just to be on the safe side.

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