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How would I know about unannounced proposals? Also, if

a big whale wants to stand in the way of a proposal, I don't see that there's anything that can be done about it.

3 ответов

6 просмотров

Read the thread on the gorum

There is something that can be done....all those that feel those affected by the Dec 9 bug can invest 72+ million of their dollars into ANC and increase the weight of their vote by buying ANC......in Defi money talks and money buys stake and stake is what counts when it comes to governance ....the broader crypto community think gov tokens are shit coins until a vote occurs they dont like...then they cry about whales....instead of selling your ANC airdrops and staking rewards use them to govern the protocol.....but crying about how someone with 24 million ANC voted gets you no where...this guy voted in his self interest which is his right and the community needs to stop crying about it.....Tough love here but this needs to be said!

Larry-Madeo Автор вопроса
P Guess
There is something that can be done....all those t...

You make some good points, but please don't imply that I'm crying 😆. I can only hope that the whale with the deep pockets is establishing a negotiating position to get to a position that is favorable for everyone. I think that taking a strict "code is law" position in this situation will have a detrimental effect on the Terra ecosystem as a whole, including our friend the whale. I'll be looking for a follow up proposal to back. If the whale wants to vote against every proposal, he will need to lock up his ANC to do so, and will be losing out on the rewards he could be earning otherwise.

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