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If i hold ust in anchor protocol with 19.4% apy,

i have manually need insurance for safety?

Or no need to do purchase insurance manually?

23 ответов

32 просмотра
Aman hasan- Автор вопроса

But i have no more fund sir... If i have no insurance my fund is safe?

Aman hasan
But i have no more fund sir... If i have no insur...

Your funds are safe if the protocol is save. If your worried about the safety of the protocol get an insurance, else not

Aman hasan- Автор вопроса

But why i need to get insurance? For my wallet hack? Or anchor hack? I mean which is risky?

Aman hasan- Автор вопроса

I am very confused about that what is smart contract actually?

Aman hasan- Автор вопроса
Mayank Grover (Will never DM first or ask for funds)
In short, hack.

But one thing that my wallet or anchor protocol site? To risky?

Aman hasan- Автор вопроса
Decide for yourself

So if i have no money for insurance then my fund is safe?

Aman hasan
But one thing that my wallet or anchor protocol si...

Site, your wallet can't be hacked until you give your seed phrase to any stranger.

Aman hasan
So if i have no money for insurance then my fund i...

If the protocol stays stabel and has no errors or weak points and UST keeps its Peg, yes. If not, not

Aman hasan
So if i have no money for insurance then my fund i...

According to me, yes. But that's your call if you want to take insurance or not.


Wage slave ❤️

Then what's the need for insurance then??

Withdraw some to pay for insurance, if the protocol is hacked you lost everything… that’s the risk

Aman hasan- Автор вопроса
Stan Atkins
Withdraw some to pay for insurance, if the protoco...

Please tell me some insurance sites please 😣 because of all are out of stock

Do you use a ledger ?

Aman hasan- Автор вопроса
Do you use a ledger ?

Not 😰 also i am new here and i have not proper knowledge about ledger. Only 5k$ invested in anchor protocol in ust stable coin earning

Aman hasan
Please tell me some insurance sites please 😣 becau...

Ozone insurance the native insurance of Terra network

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