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Does getting the insurance protect your deposit 100% with no


25 ответов

25 просмотров

I believe yes but you have to pay the premium to take the insurance.

If you have a ledger I think should be sufficient

Kenshinzu- Автор вопроса
Shimi Biton
If you have a ledger I think should be sufficient

I just want to ensure my UST deposit is 101% safe in Anchor protocol earn.

Kenshinzu- Автор вопроса
Shimi Biton
If you have ledger yes

But im transferring my funds to anchor protocol earn. So a ledger is useless.

Install the terra app on your ledger. Download terra station. Connect to terra station with your ledger. When you want to deposit the ust into anchor - simply click on deposit - then terra station will popup asking you to confirm and then you will need to confirm on your ledger.

Kenshinzu- Автор вопроса
But im transferring my funds to anchor protocol ea...

But you handle all transactions through ledger bro

Kenshinzu- Автор вопроса
I see ok noted thank u! 👍🏻

To take out funds from anchor you need to sign with ledger 📒

What does that mean in English

I don’t understand your question

What does that mean in English

He means to sign every tx, you need to approve from ledger.

Mayank Grover (Will never DM first or ask for funds)
He means to sign every tx, you need to approve fro...

Is that something i physically have to do to withdraw my staked funds on anchor

Mayank Grover (Will never DM first or ask for funds)
He means to sign every tx, you need to approve fro...

Then there is no issue or worry as only the ledger holder controls the funds

Is that something i physically have to do to withd...

If you have used ledger to deposit then you need ledger to withdraw. Otherwise not.

I see thanks

You can dm me if you need more help

Appreciate it thanks

No problem any time

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