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i plan to sell 50% for safety and then hold 50% for the hope that peg will recover.

Am i doing this right or..? what's the best course of action here?

20 ответов

23 просмотра

Wait for 1$

Or just all-in ETH? 😂 Might make the money back in a few months after the merge

I suggest waiting until it is back to 1.00 however up to you..

just wait and put it all back into anchor and earn 20%, come back next week and feel all warm and fuzzy

How long did it take for you to withdraw and bridge?

Peg will be back.. when is the question

How long did u need for transaction to show on binance?

A- Автор вопроса
How long did u need for transaction to show on bin...

1 hour bro. dont withraw to binance somewhere else where its instant.

Peg will be back.. when is the question

I believe lesss than 12 hours. it should go back to near peg

There's huge sell orders beyond 0.9 tho.. would be happy if it stays at 0.9 for today

Ultimately you need to do what you feel is right. As for me, I actually bought more UST, even if it was a bit scary to do so. In this chaotic situation, I think if anything is sacrificed it will be LUNA not UST, and LUNA will just start low again like it was not that long ago in the past. I expect UST to regain its peg in a few days, like it did the last time it depegged. If I was you I would not sell your UST at a loss, at least not right now.

My ust is on binance too. But it is locked and i'm afraid

A- Автор вопроса

my ust is also locked

There's huge sell orders beyond 0.9 tho.. would be...

Look at the orderbooks of Binance there's 3-400m of selling orders from 0.9 above, wouldn't be surprised if we get back to 0.9, but there needs to be some very hard work to crack above

what locked? i just traded it.. like $1197

Locked on ust staking. If i didn't bought and locked it and buy it at 0.6, I would have a 40% profit now.

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