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26 просмотров

when you deposit UST you get aust in return

A liquid representation of you UST deposited on Anchor and earning 19.XX % APY If you lose your aUST , you lose your deposited UST

Dangerous man- Автор вопроса
Dangerous man- Автор вопроса
Hero | CM
what you mean

Anything ANC related with deposited UST

Can I staking ANC? Or what can I do with ANC to ge...

yes, you can stake ANC in the governance section

Dangerous man- Автор вопроса
Docty Fre$h
What’s apy?

Annual percentage yield

i filed UST, but i don't see aUST anywhere. why do you think?

When you deposit UST, you will get aUST in your wallet. Add aUST as token in your wallet.

Mayank Grover (Will never DM first or ask for funds)
When you deposit UST, you will get aUST in your wa...

What can one do with the aUST in the wallet? Can it be swapped to LUNA or ANC?

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