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@K1ybas Honest question, cause I'm having a hard time wrapping

my head around this: was there no alternative scenario in place in case delivery was not met? It feels like we're experiencing a full 180 on what we've been hearing over the last 6 months, up till a week or so ago where the message was one of 'confidence'. Now it feels Syntropy is scrambling to put a last minute clarification together. That's the optics of it at least.

3 ответов

11 просмотров


Can you give an example of a clear communication strategy? Like something that will explain things, what happened and what's going on now.. Like a "clarification" maybe?

Hadrien L
Can you give an example of a clear communication s...

It's actually quite simple. Using a time machine we can look into the future, identify every single speedbump we can encounter along the way and prepare a strategy for every single scenario.

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