209 похожих чатов

Thank you for the extensive write up by Dom and

the team with I guess your help. One question regarding the several clients that are already using the tech to improve their networks. This would require the NOIA token right? I know there is no fiat on-ramp yet but the token holders including myself would hope and expect that using the tech would benefit directly . I understand the benefit indirectly for longer term etc etc and respect that. But would also like some shorter term effect 😇. Can you explain a bit on that?

6 ответов

12 просмотров

Dom will join the chat shortly for an open discussion regarding his statement

They aren’t using the token yet but will eventually

TJ (Loekie)-J Автор вопроса

I don't think they use NOIA tokens as of now but probably pay in $$$

Dom will join the chat shortly for an open discuss...

Awesome. Would be cool to find out how many different companies are using Syntropy stack already

TJ (Loekie)-J Автор вопроса
I don't think they use NOIA tokens as of now but p...

Unexpected that the dollars are then not transferred to Noia buys of market by team….

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