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We really lacking constant updates and transparency. Look at what

coti and Shafaf are doing - nearly weekly updates directly from the ceo in short video sequences. Talking about the status of implementations. Talking about problems in the development process.
Look at what elrond is doing...they also courageously release new tech.. Face problems, solve them and transparent communicate about challenges.
What happened with the fluid road map goals? Next steps should be USDo and the nft market place. Heard no word about that since the announcements months ago.

7 ответов

18 просмотров

Stop FUDDING ORN is doing very well, constant updates and progress.

Everyone can't be moving at the pace you approve. Orion team is delivering, consistently, regardless of how slow or fast. Most important thing is a seamlessly working product that would give value to more users for adoption, and not just rush to do things that would start giving issues. The team has given their itinerary, next is support from community and investors who believe in this project. Kindly wait for updates, no rush!

Mooun- Автор вопроса
Everyone can't be moving at the pace you approve. ...

Not talking about the progress here. Just talking about the communication. There are many topics untouched. Going to wait for the next Dev AMA, let's see. And yes, I submitted the questions 🙂

Not talking about the progress here. Just talking ...

From the last two AMAs, there have been progress from what was discussed as regards some product Launches. If you say the team hasn't been communicating well with community then I'm afraid, that's your opinion and we respect it. We would still appreciate if you can be patient for more updates.

Team are rolling out some high quality and no doubt time consuming features of Orion. What would hurt the brand more is rolling out half ass products that haven’t been tested, and breaking, hurting UX. The updates that do come out actually have substance and tbh with the ambitious goals the team have set the hardest part would be prioritisation of the countless important things they want to get done. Rome wasn’t built in a day 🚀

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