209 похожих чатов

I have a doubt, as the project is open source

and I was planning to contribute, where can I see the development roadmap, task or pending things to do?

2 ответов

8 просмотров
Jv- Автор вопроса

Because in the project repository there's no such thing

Hi JV, we don't have a roadmap with specifics targets but rather a general plan that basically has two fronts: the protocol and the app. On the protocol side our engineering team is working full time to deliver mainnet launch at soon as possible which will be the most important event since the company was founded, which we estimate will happen around March/April, after that point we will keep improving the protocol incrementally and we'll also start looking into implementing an Ethereum L2 to address all the scalability issues. On the app side, there's a continuous effort to improve it and add features to it that never stops, as well as looking into expanding into more countries. We don't have specific dates for specific goals because there are too many variables along the way that affect estimates and we think making promises will serve no purpose, but hopefully this gives you an idea of what we are doing.

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