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Just a noob question: i have some atom staked but

i can see from ledger live and kepler two differents atom staked numbers, is this correct? i see around 15/20% less Atom in ledger live

4 ответов

8 просмотров

Hello, please check your staked Atoms on mintscan.io or other explorers. Because stake happens on-chain and sometimes wallet has big issues. Explorer will show to you the correct amount of Atom.

jokrogge- Автор вопроса
Hello, please check your staked Atoms on mintscan....

ye i checked, the amount of kepler is the same of mintscan..the problem is ledger live then

ye i checked, the amount of kepler is the same of ...

Yes Ledger live generally has some issues unfortunately.

jokrogge- Автор вопроса
Yes Ledger live generally has some issues unfortun...

so, if i try now to undelegate via ledger live could have some problems if the amounts isnt correct right?

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