) I have a lot of experience in others chains. But I'm just doing the first step here. Any suggestions what can I read for have a decent background in cosmos ?
I set kepler with my ledger, sure I got some atom, I also found the validator that I used in Solana for the staking, actually binace dex stopped withdraw for atom so I have to wait. There are differences to stake by kepler or directly on ledger ?
Because I saw that the apr in kepler is a bit higher.
I have a lot of questions, for example Atom already did what eth and sol did whit lido or mSol?
And a quick question I saw that by the kepler can I choose the chain, example osmosis that is because every token in cosmos own his own chain that's right?
Anyway happy to be here.
Staking apy is the same everywhere. If it's lower then you are being skimmed somewhere. Ledger live is crap and I would never suggest anyone use it. I just use ledger to sign into the different wallet apps.
Maybe was some mistake but in ledger was bit low.. anyway thanks for your answer, there is some Defi protocol list ? In this way can I check what's around cosmos .. or any suggestions will be appreciated
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