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@ChrisBarnes1 how's the progress on the ETP?

20 ответов

12 просмотров

its moving forward. Won't be too long into the new year before it's live.

cash settlement or ETP willhold eos ?

best to research European ETPs to see how it works

Why don't you just tell us? My research suggests the ETP would be physically backed by EOS rather than a cash equivalent, but Chris saying "you should research yourself" makes me think it's a cash equivalent settlement...

Why don't you just tell us? My research suggests...


Why don't you just tell us? My research suggests...

I agree w/ you btw...not sure why the response was more "cute" but w/e.

I agree w/ you btw...not sure why the response was...

Yep. Really strange response from @ChrisBarnes1...Makes me second guess this thing

Yep. Really strange response from @ChrisBarnes1......

Its an EOS European ETP. Look up similar listings for other tokens if you want to know how it works.

The Resident Alien Invasion
Barnes.One aye?

I don’t support you trolling Chris

I don’t support you trolling Chris

I don't support your opinions about trolling

@ChrisBarnes1 You brought it on yourself👆😂😂😂probably won't be the last. Hope you're holidays are going well!

Tom-Waring Автор вопроса
Mo Z. D.S.
@ChrisBarnes1 You brought it on yourself👆😂😂😂probab...

Apologies @ChrisBarnes1. I was disrespectful to ask you about work on Christmas day. Sorry 🌲⛄😅

Tom Waring
Apologies @ChrisBarnes1. I was disrespectful to as...

lol all good :) we're in a global 24/7 industry. Crypto waits for no one 🚀

yup its true and the way it goes I suppose. 2022 should be an amazing year for this community if everything comes together from all the various players trying to do good things!

Chris Barnes
lol all good :) we're in a global 24/7 industry. C...

Please Chris tell the bytemaster that he can’t own EOS, stop act like big boss… investor no buy Dan coin. Moon can not reach if Dan pretend he in charge.

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