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@Jestagram how much does it cost to run the

node and why r u on 31 place?

2 ответов

9 просмотров
mr-greeN Автор вопроса

yeah, i understand that u developing several projects but what are the costs of running 1 full node? 9k$? 5k$?

mr greeN
yeah, i understand that u developing several proje...

If you're running on hardware you own, one basic EOS full node is probably a $5k upfront purchase + colocation costs. If you're renting a dedicated server, probably ~$200-300/month for something of equal quality. That's just one server. For a BP operation at very bare minimum you're going to want probably 4-6 of those to allow redundancy and sufficient p2p access (if not more). Then there's staff costs to manage those servers. If you're providing APIs you can multiply that a few times over for additional coverage, history multiplies it even more, and then if you split your APIs into various regions you multiply it again by each region.

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