209 похожих чатов

How’s growth of swipe business. ? Long time since heard

of this token in mainstream. How’s crypto card adoption and when is mainnet launch scheduled. ?

6 ответов

6 просмотров

Please follow @swipe for further details relating to the swipechain mainnet.

We should have a mainnet launch date in Q1 2022 the date itself should be known in the next few weeks. We are awaiting reviews from partner exchanges at the moment and audits. There’s a lot of background work going on right now. We don’t want to sit and hype people on it, once things are ready they will just be announced. If anything changes and if there are new updates that come, the dedicated @Swipechain channel and Twitter will notify the community. Thank you and hello SXP community. 👋👍

Details about the upcoming mainnet can be found above

There's now FTX as well as binance card in addition to the above regarding main net

There's an faq at https://www.binance.com/en/support/faq/c-5?navId=53#/5/53b which covers everything related to the Binance card product.


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