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For example, in georges/tokenbridge case, i had brought up multiple

issues with the bridge, said it was run by someone either a scammer or incompetent, and basically that it would lose peoples money. this is exactly what happened.

yet, people rush to defend george for this mistake, and do not reward the people who warned against this. 0 people have apologized to me for saying I spread fud when i said it was run by scammer/moron. I'm pretty sure this is the case for everyone else who said the same thing.

why is this the case? maybe people should be harder on people who make mistakes that were not only obvious & avoidable, and reward people who help to prevent issues. of course nobody is perfect so i dont mean some pitchfork war. but generally moving towards this should lead to better outcome for everyone, shouldnt it?

2 ответов

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People like steer clear of controversy but I don't see how that helps build the community or bch. In this case I thought the approach was a bit crude and overly hostile somehow leading to a self fulfilling prophesy. I commended the beach alert as it clearly listed the concerns and was not sentimental. While the tokenbridge incident presented itself more like an objection to competition. Meanwhile not long after that, Matrixport spins up a bridge and coinflex promises one. I think tokenbridge would not have gone south if the was a more structured approach to addressing the concerns. From my standpoint of applications development experience, the lead dev most likely got demoralised and abandoned the project.

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