210 похожих чатов

Hi everyone I have a few questions for admins or

@DAPPerD or anyone else..

Does the TF have a plan and financial capacity to develop and fund a quadratic funding platform similar to Pomelo on Eos?

What happened with Telos Works?
In Telos tokenomics www.telos.net/tlos-tokenomics it's written that TW will get 350 000 tlos per month. What's changed?

...and finally. I know that the Telos community decided (copy/paste from the page) to halt TLOS supply inflation, capping the total supply at 355,208,370.6674 TLOS. Instead of creating new tokens, the community agreed to pay for network operations through the Exchange Token Reserve Fund (exrsrv. tf)...
Imho, I would rather have minimum inflation and use those funds to develop some kind of funding platform to attract new developers and teams on the Telos network than wait for them to come to us.. I don't want Telos to replicate (no better word) the Eos mistakes from the past regarding development, funding and attracting the developers.



3 ответов

19 просмотров

No one was using Telos works so the Treasury became large, still funded but at a reduced rate. I believe there is some work being done on a proposal for incentives to attract devs and users I partially agree with you that inflation isn't the boogeyman everyone thinks it is, but right now it isn't holding us back. I do think we as a community are too tight with money, maybe because we are so worried about inflation. I would rather pay more, get good people who can work full time and help us grow, and if we need to turn on token minting a year down the road .... Well who cares

The Telos Amend proposal that just passed, cutting voting periods from 29 days to 12 also cut the Telos Works monthly receipts by 90% from 350,000 TLOS per month to 35,000. But the account currently holds 5.2N TLOS so it will be well funded for many potential programs. Also, we at GoodBlock along with TheTelosCrew have created a really awesome mobile app that makes managing Telos Works proposals easy. Anyone could be putting out proposals right now with about $4M USD available. Frankly, I'm surprised more people aren't doing so.

No one was using Telos works so the Treasury becam...

I agree with paying well to fund solid projects. Here are a few thoughts... My only concern is the on-boarding process. As long as we can have a system in place to deter those that do not have Telos best interests in mind. Do we need a screening/on-boarding committee? We should have filters in place to determine if the dApp project has a viable product, the available devs/skill-set to complete the project, assurances of the ability to correctly manage and stay within budget, amongst other factors. We should release funds at developmental stages. How do we handle cost overruns and the need for additional funds? At what point do we stop funding due to mismanagement? Should we have Zoom calls to present the applicants to the community, answering general and community generated questions before a vote? We need to build the ecosystem, and surely there are many great ideas out there. We should focus on finding these developers. Does anyone know where they hangout 🤔

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