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So a new SXP token will be created? One SXP

owned by binance and one new for Solar? "All SXP holders on both Ethereum and Binance Chain will receive a proportional redemption of Solar Power (SXP) with no additional inflation."

5 ответов

7 просмотров

Binance now own Swipe the company, fully. SXP is now Solar (previously swipechain). SXP will now be it's own community project + will be used for utility fees on swipe.io eg cards

Note: This is a temporary bot message to assist with high volumes of queries. Moderators are still available.

Binance to Acquire Outstanding Shares in Swipe https://www.binance.com/en/support/announcement/efa96d9a856f4620b2fa6e372edbe290

An interesting question. Can an admin please respond?

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