209 похожих чатов

I’m not sure about that I don’t work for Safepal

wallet? It should only take 3 days to slide CKB from layer two to layer one

6 ответов

11 просмотров

To know more about how to store $CKB securely: linktr.ee/nervosbuddy 👀

yes 3 days but 6 day passed

whom can help me?

yes 3 days but 6 day passed

Check the movement history on CKB Bridge. Your withdrawal should appear there to be confirmed

Alejandro (Won't DM first)
Check the movement history on CKB Bridge. Your wit...

history in safe pal app clear but in i see it here https://www.layerview.io/tx/0xd23b9d228421f7ff4324c6b12b41ba79da1f2a8997cad5830b2c645d9454660f

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