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Is there a way all staking rewards can automatically stake

rather me waiting for 21 days to unstake then add all rewards to my original balance of luna and stake it again?

6 ответов

5 просмотров

i don't think there is a way to auto compound

I believe you should be able to do this via Stader protocol. Haven't yet used it. Have a look at Danku's video on stader protocol , YouTube.

Panday-A Автор вопроса
R K 🌖
I believe you should be able to do this via Stader...

Can I store my luna in terra station and then connect staddr protocol to stake it?

Panday A
Can I store my luna in terra station and then conn...

That is what you would do. You'd connect via terra station to Stader. Stader is a trusted protocol. Remember that all your transactions are on the blockchain. Wallets technically don't *store* your coins but store your keys

Stader protocol will auto compound it within stader itself. You will use your terra station wallet to control what you do in stader. Yes I think the lock up stays but you get a liquid token in return. I suggest youtubing danku video on stader, I haven't yet used it but the video should help clarify most things

R K 🌖
Stader protocol will auto compound it within stade...

If the liquid token you are talking about is the sd token, the community farming has ended and luna will be given as stalking rewards instead of sd

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