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@RikiRSV @nnevvinn @RSVSinatra hey guys, would it be possible to

update the following on the website:

1) on the /keyconcepts page, add kucoin in the list of exchanges where RSR is listed

2) on the /protocol/RSR, there is a note saying “RSR is not yet available to purchase in the USA.” which I don’t believe applies anymore, correct?

Happy new year!

7 ответов

15 просмотров

Hi Kaneda! Exchanges that allow U.S. citizens to buy in the U.S. can list RSR without our participation, i.e., even without our approval they can list the token. This does not change our position in this regard. Thanks and happy new year!!!

Hey Kaneda, thank you for the suggestions. What Matias said is correct - we still do not endorse RSR being bought in the US. All exchanges that allow US customers have listed RSR without our consent.

Oh ok my bad

No worries bud, thanks!

Kaneda- Автор вопроса
Mati Olmos 🅡
No worries bud, thanks!

While we are here, how likely is it for the mainnet to be release in March/April?

Well, based on the current timeline it is likely, but it is always subject to change either before or after the current expected date

Kaneda- Автор вопроса
Mati Olmos 🅡
Well, based on the current timeline it is likely, ...

Oh so it could be before ?! That’s great to hear

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