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So, is EOS seeking its future with new big cooperations

now, in other words, big capital owners(CEO or CTOs)? 🧐

6 ответов

8 просмотров

We need to work in all directions, including that one

Sar-York Автор вопроса
cc32d9 | EOS Amsterdam
We need to work in all directions, including that ...

Not only we will attract the developers but also their bosses? This is a good step, I mean, I thought that it is little bit opposite what Dan said in the interviews. He just talked about the developers.

Sar-York Автор вопроса
cc32d9 | EOS Amsterdam
I'm not Dan, I'm presenting my own vision

I wish we could all just put our minds together and go hard for eosio for 2022

I wish we could all just put our minds together an...

Most of our research work is applicable to the wider EOSIO ecosystem

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