210 похожих чатов

How to add TERRA to keplr wallet? Can we send

$UST from Terrastation to Keplr?

4 ответов

33 просмотра

I think the easiest way is to click Terra banner on top of the Osmosis dex website

DAD 🌖🧪⚛- Автор вопроса

Problem is. When using keplr mobile and clicking terra banner. It only shows a shortcut of my keplr terra address. So i cant send ust from terra station to kepler terra address

DAD 🌖🧪⚛
Problem is. When using keplr mobile and clicking t...

Found this article. Hope it helps https://medium.com/osmosis-community-support-dao/transferring-ust-from-osmosis-to-terrastation-ffa0df3dc435

DAD 🌖🧪⚛- Автор вопроса

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