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SUMMONS DICTATORSHIP! Take over bitcoin, DIY GUIDE: 10x-100x block reward pool

for defector miners, paid in FIAT
So I dont need to do mining myself
Free market will naturally make people defect or build miners for me
Promise of whitelisted monopoly on mining + inflation changes once we takeover
Seizing doxxed dissidents money from balances once we fork
KYC onchain and other features like admin keys, for nation state who helps
Nuking all forks using the dishonest miners who joined my team

I dont think most people understand POW governance. Once you gain control, you can destroy the other forks, and also change literally every single fucking parameter

without peoples permission

lets do 2b coins instead of 21m, to make it more fair 🙂 that'll be popular with plebs

see how quickly the system fails?

Might makes right, means dictators can win!

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7 просмотров

alternatively dictatorships can embrace Bitcoin

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