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Do you recommend any books to learn more about fiat

and stablecoins?

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Yes! Something I like to do when thinking of how to improve a certain concept is to think of that concept from the ground up instead of from where it is currently. To put that in Reserve's context, only knowing what fiat currency is right now is not enough to understand how to actually improve it. You need to be aware of all the nuances that come with fiat currency such as "What is the role of (fiat) money in society?", "How come we use fiat money and not any other kind of money?", "What other types of money existed in the past?", etc. Something that I've done a while ago is follow the history of currency - from its first inception to where it is now. That'll give you a much larger context about what money actually is and will give you a much better grip on the whole concept (at least that's what it did for me). Something that I also highly recommend researching in parallel is the history of private currencies. There have been projects in the past that have tried to do something similar to Reserve. Knowing why they succeeded/failed was super relevant to learn about if you're into this kind of stuff. A good example to research is the "Cincinatti Time Store". Besides that, since you were asking for books, "Denationalisation Of Money" by Friederich Hayek is interesting. It goes into detail on how Hayek believes currencies should be private instead of government-issued. One last thing I'll add (since you asked about stablecoins) is A Visual Explanation of Algorithmic Stablecoins. It's probably the best article I've read on how stable cryptocurrencies works.

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