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So I understand this correctly… The bridge will allow me

to buy Ethereum whilst I am using the terminal on BSC? If that is correct then where does my Ethereum go when I purchase it? It of course cannot go in my BSC wallet

7 ответов

12 просмотров
Chris-Masoner Автор вопроса

But you can buy that on pancake swap now anyway with cheap fees so what’s the benefit of the bridge?

Yes we know, just you don't yet

Chris Masoner
But you can buy that on pancake swap now anyway wi...

What's this now? So you know how a bridge and swap works and pretend you did not?

Chris-Masoner Автор вопроса
Yes we know, just you don't yet

Timothea Is on Twitter saying she is using the bridge and is able to buy eth on BSC network. Please don’t tell me she’s simply bought a wrapped eth

Chris Masoner
Timothea Is on Twitter saying she is using the bri...

Im not telling you anything. However for you to conclude thats somethings unimpressive without seeing it, using it or having information about it.....Kinda makes me wonder your intelligence sir! Please be patient before useless speculation. Sometimes it is better to be perceived as a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt!

Chris Masoner
Timothea Is on Twitter saying she is using the bri...

One aspect of the bridge is that you can bridge you assets to a cheaper chain and use them on that one. Application within the terminal has more to it though and it it's an important piece of the puzzle to offer aggregated liquidity

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