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So, what I am trying to understand now is the

list of apps and projects stated on official web-site, but no bridges are built yet. But you have BSC stated on first page. Does it mean that tokens are being traded on it?

3 ответов

11 просмотров

Wdym no bridges are built yet? IBC is live and it's making over 3M txs per month https://mapofzones.com/?period=24&testnet=false&tableOrderBy=totalIbcTxs&tableOrderSort=desc

Yes they can, but... There will soon be hundreds of superior chains in Cosmos, so BSC is not what we're focused on at all

Yes they can, but... There will soon be hundreds o...

I know, but I think Rus was asking why BSC was in the Cosmos page as one of Cosmo projects

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