210 похожих чатов

Is there any chance of changing the Telos logo? The

acorn doesn’t look like something that would be in the top 50. Imo it really makes Telos look fairly amateur (also have no idea why it’s an acorn). Would be good to have a new logo competition where we could vote on a new logo.

8 ответов

13 просмотров

I think The whole website needs to be redesigned to emphasize the power of the EVM.

If community wants it - yes certainly

The acorn is a symbol for "telos" (the word) which means "the ultimate purpose of a thing" as in the telos of an acorn is to become an oak tree. For those of us who have been around since before the eosio software launched and built this network, we understood what we were trying to grow from that tiny seed.

Nick-Mac Автор вопроса
CJ Walters | GoodBlock.io 🌙
The acorn is a symbol for "telos" (the word) which...

The logo shouldn’t be what a few initial devs understand. It should be something that literally everyone understands.

The ETH logo and the name Ethereum come from the Hayao Miyazaki animated film Castle in the Sky. Surely all Ethereum users are fully aware of this and support it. 🙄

Same haha, I had no idea that's where it came from!

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