209 похожих чатов

Hello! I am new to mirror protocol. I just did

anchor+mirror for the 40% apr yesterday and have a few questions. on my anchor page my ust lending is now 0 does that mean I am still earning 20%

question 2 there is UST locked up for 2 weeks what is this money? is it something I can takeout in 2 weeks without affection my collateral ratios for the short/long net neutral farming?

3 ответов

8 просмотров

1) your aUST is increasing in value on Mirror so you are still earning %% 2) it's proceeds from sale of the borrowed mAsset, yes, you will be able to take it out and deposit in Anchor

Art- Автор вопроса
is it distributed every 2 weeks?

You referring to point 1 or 2?

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