Please ask your question in the chat only, and wait for members of the community to respond to your request and while waiting, provide additional information that may help resolve your issue faster. Do not accept any private messages from users or even admins offering help as they are most likely scammers. You can PM an admin only after they have given permission to do so.
Can you again tell me clearly what I have to do sir
I did what you told admin now stake shows only 5 and freeze shows 949 now tell what to do
Trx is not a scam? I entered and was cheated of money.
Waiting for reply admin
You have already been answered.
I did what he told admin but showing me the same thing
Please, stop posting multiple texts - just ask your question clearly and wait patiently for the Community to respond.
My staked and freeze tokens are showing different when I will unstake then how much tokens I will get
As you can see in this picture
/warn - will ask one last time - stop posting multiple times, just ask question with one post. It is very difficult to review or respond to so many random posts. You can review the following article. Take your time and read, follow steps. You may need to wait for an unstaking period. Hope this helps! https://community.trustwallet.com/t/how-to-unstake-tron-trx-tokens/186
Not answering and helping in my issue just warning and posting all other things.
Did you not read the answer included with that warning, along with the associated link?
K admin thanks I will wait till the unstake period.
Trust often freeze TRX and doesnt vote for SR 1. Download Tronlink wallet 2. Import your wallet to Tronlink, give it name and password 3. If you want to vote your freezed TRX, click Vote, if you want to unfreeze click Stake, next steps is for unstaking 4. In Stake menu click Stake \/, select Unstake 5. You will see ticket with freezed TRX, select it 6. Click Unstake, confirm transaction
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