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Does Bitcoin Cash have a store of value property along

with it being a medium of exchange?

6 ответов

8 просмотров

Everything that is in short supply has in a certain sense the property of being a good refuge of value. However, that effect will be greater or lesser as adoption and network. i think

Where do i know him from

Get corps to buy BCH like BTC and sure

Yes, but it can never be stable, its value is market based. With an investing view, you put your money on riks by investing or lending. If you feel that is too risky at some point, you withdraw to money, just storing your value instead of trying to earn on it. In goods trading, it is the same thing. In stead having goods in transit, you sell everything and keep the money. All money has this store of value function. Having money does not produce any profit or interest. The actual money value is another question. Even with sound money, everybody using the same money type, for instance gold, the value of the gold is not fixed.

Every medium of exchange is a so-called “store of value”. Not every “store of value” is a medium of exchange

Yup, it has limited supply and would eventually start growing in value as its use case solidifies

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