210 похожих чатов

Hello, I accidentally sent some usdc.e from my metamask wallet

to my AVAX c-chain Kucoin wallet

Is there any way to get it back?

Any help would be appreciated (and scammers DO NOT dm me, asking for my seed phrase, or to connect my wallet)

10 ответов

14 просмотров

DM me

Ask in kucoin support

Dm group support

Dm group support

Best to use the website / app support. Too many scammers around.

Ask Kucoin support in that case!

Jack1905- Автор вопроса
Best to use the website / app support. Too many sc...

Yup. Be careful with anyone's DM. Administrators won't ask you for money.

Jack1905- Автор вопроса
Jun (Will never DM first) 🔺
Yup. Be careful with anyone's DM. Administrators w...

Oh ya, at least 10 scammers messaged me just now to "help me" 😂🤣😭

Thank you, I just submitted a ticket

Awesome! They'll take a few hours to respond your question, I'm not quite sure

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